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:: Analysis of Common Targets for circular RNAs ::


The Laboratory of


ACT takes the sequence and processes as circular configuration. Common target genes, defined as coregulated genes by circRNA-associated miRNAs, will be exported and ranked by the targeting frequency (time). ACT currently supports the miRNAs and targets of miRNAs from Homo sapiens.
Sequences Upload file:


Input sequence here:
Select a sequence file to process or paste the sequence in FASTA format (length of total inputted sequences limited to 10,000 nt).
See example of output (circHIPK3) HERE.
E-mail (optional) Use to inform user of the link for results and/or to respond problems.
Lin YC, Lee YC, Chang KL, Hsiao KY. (2019) Analysis of common targets for circular RNAs. BMC Bioinformatics 20, 372.


2018 Laboratory of X-omics

:: This server is made possible by funding from National Chung Hsing University, Hsing-Chun Project and MOST of Taiwan ::